family Accidents

Auto Insurance

We understand that you want comprehensive Auto insurance coverage when it comes to your car. Whether you are in an accident or your car is damaged by an act of nature, you need the financial support of an insurance partner like the Keystone Insurance Group. We are here to help!

At the Keystone Insurance Group, we offer a range of auto insurance options for all of our clients. From business to consumers, we can craft the perfect auto insurance coverage for you.

Liability Insurance Coverage

Our liability insurance is designed to help you if you are in an at-fault accident. Instead of covering the cost with your own savings, let us cover that for you.

When you get a quote for liability insurance, ask us about our enhanced coverage limits.

Collision Insurance Coverage

Being in an accident can be a traumatic experience. Following an accident, the last thing you want to be concerned with is the cost of repairing your car. Collision insurance is designed to cover, as you may have guessed, things you may collide with. Regardless if your car is paid off or you still owe on your vehicle, protect your asset with a policy designed by us.

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive insurance coverage could help you cover the damage to your car that is not the result from an accident. Weather-related damage, theft, vandalism, whether you hit a deer or a deer hits you. I know at least one of us here at Keystone has gotten their 1st deer of the season with their vehicle

Get Enhanced Coverage

We also offer more than just protection from accidents. Whether you get stranded along the side of the road or you need a rental during a repair, ask us about additional insurance options available to our clients.

Take a look at the great rates we offer our customers by using our online insurance quoting tool. In only a few minutes, you can have a quote for the auto insurance coverage that meets your needs.